Divisions & Rules

1A Sport Division

1A Pro Division

X Division

The Freestyle Divisions will be made up of three divisions: 1A Sport, 1A Pro, and the X Division.

1A Sport Division:  1A Sport Freestyle will consist of a 1 minute judged performance.

1A Pro Division:  1A Pro Division will consist of a 2 minute judged performance.

X Division:  The X Division is one division combined with all other styles of play: 2A, 3A, 4A, and 5A.

Competitions Rules

  1. Scoring will follow the standard NYYL/IYYF scoring system.
  2. Competitors in all divisions will only compete once.  
  3. 1A Sport Division routines will be one minute long.
  4. 1A Pro Division and X Division routines will be two minutes long.
  5. The top three competitors in each division will be awarded prizes.
  6. Music must be PG-13 as this will be a family friendly event. *More information about music submissions coming soon.

*The San Diego Yo-Yo Classic is an independent yo-yo competition but will follow the NYYL/IYYF standards.
